Sunday, July 23, 2017



Even today, medical students and practitioners are operating under the assumption that genes are the primary factors in biological processes and that we are essentially all just victims of our heredity. To put it simply, modern science has mistaken the blueprint, in this case the DNA, for the contractor who actually builds the house.
It's actually the cell membrane, which is covered in hundreds of thousands of receptor proteins, that is specialized to interpret different signals from the environment and relay the information back to the cells. Epigenetics has scientifically proven that evolution is no longer a mindless game of chance based on random hereditary variance, rather it is an interactive dance between organism and environment.
Since we now know that evolution is not a mindless game of chance, but rather this interaction, how can we actively transform any negative programs we have and also help our children transform any negative programs they might have already acquired?
I Create What I Believe! Program, which I endorsed and based on my research, offers fun and scientifically sound activities that teach both children and adults how to transform negative programs quickly and effortlessly.

Roda Langrana Everything you have written is what I too experienced as the truth of us as superior beings. Actually .. even though .. we cannot look into our cells to see the changes .. i knew and experienced the changes in my cells or body composite .. however you wish to express it. It is my truth and the only way for me to prove it is through the changes I projected into myself ... and have recorded in the form of articles on my website. To judge whether a fact is the absolute truth .. requires only one logic .. what are the results in me .. am I experiencing a freedom from the limitations I once owned. Am I free of illnesses or know how to heal myself by talking myself out of it .. an instantaneous change in my physical reality .. achieved by me through a show of anger to the spirit of the past that had brought such problems to me in the first place.

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