Thursday, July 3, 2014


I received the following link on facebook and was appalled at the way people's minds are being treated ... I guess if money ...  without its attendant responsibilities of books being game changers for other people's lives as the end result being promoted ... then a wrong formula is being prescribed. Not every person has the capacity to write a book .. the way it ought to be written. It will have the snowball effect of writing being used primarily for money without it being a perfect formula for the end reader. There is no gain without its attendant pain. These sales are not guaranteed  .. especially when respected authors are not making sales. This is the message I left them.

Brendon Burchard and Brian Tracy reveal the proven method that professional authors use to pump out book after book.

pardon me for expressing my thoughts .... I too am an author and I do not think its such a great idea to pump out book after book. What are you teaching the world .. that quantity exceeds quality. To my mind that is a faulty formula. A book must come from the heart ... a message to be shared for it is a message worth sharing. No wonder the book industry is in such doldrums ... with so many being churned out that it is difficult to weed out the chaff from the hay. Don't have a narrow tunnel vision ... observe how many people you are sending down the road to their own doom. Are you going to guarantee their sales in the thousands .. forget millions.  Are you going to wipe their tears when they do not see any sales ?  At the biggest book stores in Bangalore where I live ... books of brian tracy and the chicken series are being clubbed .. buy 2 get 1 free.  If this is the way you wish to earn sales .. then good luck to you guys ... but I am in total pity for the beginner authors who are trying to sell their books for dimes and still not making sales.  Possibly you think it is the right way to go about things .. for Brendon Burchard  it was a long time ago that I had heard your life story from your own mouth about your accident and a new lease of life .. so I know that you are possibly a good guy .. just a wee bit confused about the way you are handling this issue of everybody becoming an author.  I guess I must give the end user the ability of deciding for themselves just what is right for them.  But it is not in my nature to be critical unnecessarily. When I have seen with my own eyes on wordpress and on Linkedin how authors cannot sell their books .. it makes me think .. how difficult it is to sell books that cost 99 cents or a dollar 2. I am out the race for my book is priced at 99$. But books must contain commensurate value ... otherwise circumstances conspire to prevent sales.

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